Blindconnect, a Southern Nevada nonprofit established in 1998, has a mission to enhance opportunities for Nevadans affected by vision loss.
Blindconnect provides life skills training, employment training and has peer support programs available.
“Shining light on potential after sight loss.”
For more information please email: Info@Blindconnect.org

Training classes take place at Angela’s House in the RTC Mobility Training Center with Blindconnect’s blindness professionals and peers.

Betty’s Village
Nevada Department of Employment Training and Rehabilitation
Opportunity Village
Regional Transportation Center/Mobility Training Center

More than 87,000 people in Nevada report blindness or severe difficulty seeing, even with glasses.
The journey of rehabilitation for the blind starts with learning daily living skills, coping and adjustment counseling, and orientation and mobility skills to foster independence.
Blindconnect Angela’s House and affiliated information about Betty’s village are solely for the purposes of training and education in blindness skills. Information shared here are not for housing options or housing assistance. We encourage those struggling with housing needs to visit Nevada’s housing resources.