Flipped Job Fair
Wednesday, May 17, 2023 10am–4pm

Re-entering the workforce — from invisible to unstoppable…

This event is unlike any other job fair you’ve attended.

It is “flipped” because it is designed inclusively with blind and low vision people in mind.

You will want your company associated with this event because you will be helping blind or low vision (BLV) people reenter the workforce. As well, we can help answer questions you have on accessibility in the work place.

This event includes:

Morning panel session #1: Employers talking about what they desire in employees

Morning panel session #2: Blind and low vision participants talking about what they are seeking in employment

Featured speaker: Mariyam Cementwalla, Senior Policy Advisor, US Dept. of State

Catered box lunch outside on a beautiful covered patio

Job fair with room flow so attendees may easily navigate employer tables

Resource booths providing information about local, regional, state-wide and national programs

Smaller rooms and comfortable seating arrangements throughout the area for private discussions

Digital content on website specific to hiring blind and low vision persons

Digital content on website specific to every employer, supporter and resource

Post-event audio and video

Would you and your company help us present the Flipped Job Fair?

We have specific needs for:

Tasty box lunch for 150 people

Bottled water

Coffee service

Signage and badges


Volunteers for set-up and break-down

Volunteers to help as “guides” during the event

We are also looking for financial donations and/or sponsors for:

Travel and lodging for featured speakers and panelists

Event support before, during and after with digital materials

Videography and video/audio editing and transcripts

Panelists with experience in hiring and retaining BLV individuals

Sponsorship/Donation levels for goods, services and/or financial assistance:

Platinum $1000.

Gold $800.

Silver $500.

Bronze $200.

All giving levels will be recognized with sponsor information page on our webite, business name, and website link on the event web page and on signage at the event.

Barbie Davis / / 702.417.4399
Email for a downloadable pdf of the above information

Support and join us on social media: Facebook / Instagram

Blindconnect at Betty’s Village
7755 W. Oquendo Road, Clubhouse, 2nd floor
Las Vegas, NV 89113

Pale yellow graphic bar with the words Flipped Job Fair in white. The word Flipped is upside down.